How can you use your smartphone to improve your dancing? In this short article, I share with you 3 great ways that I take advantage of an item that is always in my bag. I’m sure it will inspire you to find ways of improving yourself.

Become your own coach

Florence Clerc and Roxane Stojanov using Core de balletRecord yourself in class or rehearsal and watch the video afterwards. This practice is the greatest reality check: you see how your dancing looks and feels from the audience standpoint. It also trains you to rely on your personal eye: you can not always count on having a coach available to provide you with feedback.

Be curious and experiment. Film yourself doing the same combination or variation with different dynamics and intentions each time. What do you notice when watching the video?

Remember important corrections

Make the most out of each class: take note of what the teacher or ballet master said while your mind is still fresh. How? Record a voice memo of your observations when you walk from one studio to the other or on your way home and listen to it before your next class or rehearsal.

Cherry on the pie? Leave an encouraging message at the end of the voice note, it will give you an extra boost!

Witness your progress

What about… progress pictures? Pick one thing that you want to improve, let’s say your arabesque line. Decide on a pose where you can visually see it – everyone’s favorite: second arabesque – and snap a picture.

Here comes the most important part: putting in the work. Core de Ballet’s conditioning videos can help you through this process by providing you with specific exercises and guidelines. After a couple of weeks of consistent work, take a picture in the same pose and compare it with the first one. What do you see?

Which of these ideas will you implement? In which other ways do you use your smartphone to improve your dancing? Let me know!