Reveal the best Hilarion's entrance

It is such a pleasure to read all your comments about Jean-Guillaume Bart’s decoding of Giselle’s entrance and Gaëlle Sadaune’s review of Albrecht’s entrance. If you have missed them, feel free to click on the links to access them again. I am as excited as you are to discover the little “secrets” of this gem of the Repertoire.

My name is Ondine D., I’m a career coach and movement specialist and the founder of Core de ballet. For the past few days we have been discussing the topic of learning a new role or variation for a dancer or a teacher/ballet master. It is a very exhilarating part of a dancer’s life.

Nowadays, with modern technology we have access to so much information. How many emails have you received today? How many videos on the internet have you watched this week? So why would you watch our series you may ask? 

Jean-Guillaume Bart, Ballet Master at Paris Opera, has done an extensive work of research on Giselle, he’s read for you almost everything available on Earth, watched hundred of dancers, listened to a large amount of interviews, discussed with the greatest dancers of the last few generations, and coincidentally he’s danced Albrecht during his dance career as a Principal dancer at Paris Opera. This is a lifetime of information condensed for you to get access to everything you need.

Now as promised today I share with you Jean-Guillaume and Gaelle’s review of Hilarion’s entrance and most specifically of the particularity of Adolph Adam’s music. Giselle is the only ballet of this period that is still part of the Repertoire, and the way the music was written is probably an important reason for it. Can you guess what makes Giselle’s music so unique and how it changed the ballet world forever?

As a career coach, I’ve noticed that one of the key to success is to implement simple and efficient processes. So, I also wanted to share with you a very useful guide to preparing a new role or variation that will become your new best friend as it is a very simple and efficient method to save you time and keep you focused during your preparation.

Are you ready to put this information into practice? Are you ready to understand why some dancers are more memorable than others in this masterpiece? Are you ready to reveal your best interpretation of Giselle’s characters?

Later tonight I will be sending out an amazing offer to help you on this journey and I think you will love it. P.S. : it is related to a big event on Sunday 8th May so make sure to free up your calendar already ;-)

Yours sincerely,

Ondine D.